So you’ve put together a spectacular website, and you’re ready to go live on the Internet for the whole world to see. Not so fast! In case you didn’t know, there are a few essential requirements that every site needs to include in order to be successful.
That being said, in the next several posts I will go over what I believe are the building blocks of a successful website.
1. Privacy Policy/Disclaimer:
Now, I’m not a Lawyer and don’t claim to be one, but these two documents should be standard issue for every site you have. People want to know how you’re going to use their personal information, and a “privacy policy” does just that.
In today’s litigious society you’ll also need to include a disclaimer/terms of use page. This protects you and spells out to your visitors what they’re agreeing to by using your website. If you don’t know where to start in generating these documents, you’ll find plenty of help online.
--> Google Adsense & other Ad Networks
--> Privacy Policy
--> Free Site Disclaimer
This is not legal advice, and if you need help in this department, consult with a local attorney.
2. Contact Us Information:
I can’t tell you how many sites I’ve been to that fail to include a way to contact the owner. If you can’t include a phone number, at the very least have an email address or a “contact us” form. By providing this information, you’ll make your visitors feel more comfortable knowing there’s a way to reach you should the need arise.
On my next post I will continue my tips on what every website should have.
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Until next time be well.
Jim Gage