Blog Linking In Your Posts
When posting to your blog, don't forget to put a clickable link towards the bottom of the post with a call to action. This call to action can be a text link saying for example:
* Change Your Life. Free Info!
* Get Your Free "Killer Website Designs" Ebook!
* Make $5000 Every Time You Speak!
* Learn The 7 Steps To Leadership Success!
or any call to action that relates to your business. The point is your blog post is full of great content. Reward your reader with additional content such as a free white paper, report or special training that they will reward you back with by leaving their email or buying a product. You should at least get the visitors email to build your database, so that you can market to them throughout the year.
What happens if there is no call to action link? The reader may read a few of the posts, get reminded of something they read somewhere else and disappear. What about your opt-in box at the top of your blog? As they scroll down to read additional posts, that box disappears from their line of sight, and they may forget all about it. Those opt-in boxes at the top right corner of your blog are notoriously weak for sign ups. A link to a "freebie" or further training embedded in the post, while they are still engaged in the material they are reading, is far more effective.
Don't let the reader get away without giving you their email address. It takes a lot of work to get them to your blog in the first place. The blog is not the "end point" of your marketing, your opt-in or sales letter is. The blog creates interest in your business or service, and quality posts can entice the reader to make a further decision or conversion. Not only that, the search engines love "anchor text" or clickable links made of keywords. Don't leave links that just have your URL or "click here." Use a strong call to action and reward your reader with additional quality info and they will give you something in return.
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Until next time be well.
Jim Gage