Saturday, October 2, 2010

Internet Marketing: Tip of the Month - Blog Linking In Your Posts

Blog Linking In Your Posts

When posting to your blog, don't forget to put a clickable link towards the bottom of the post with a call to action. This call to action can be a text link saying for example:
* Change Your Life. Free Info!
* Get Your Free "Killer Website Designs" Ebook!
* Make $5000 Every Time You Speak!
* Learn The 7 Steps To Leadership Success!

or any call to action that relates to your business. The point is your blog post is full of great content. Reward your reader with additional content such as a free white paper, report or special training that they will reward you back with by leaving their email or buying a product. You should at least get the visitors email to build your database, so that you can market to them throughout the year.

What happens if there is no call to action link? The reader may read a few of the posts, get reminded of something they read somewhere else and disappear. What about your opt-in box at the top of your blog? As they scroll down to read additional posts, that box disappears from their line of sight, and they may forget all about it. Those opt-in boxes at the top right corner of your blog are notoriously weak for sign ups. A link to a "freebie" or further training embedded in the post, while they are still engaged in the material they are reading, is far more effective.

Don't let the reader get away without giving you their email address. It takes a lot of work to get them to your blog in the first place. The blog is not the "end point" of your marketing, your opt-in or sales letter is. The blog creates interest in your business or service, and quality posts can entice the reader to make a further decision or conversion. Not only that, the search engines love "anchor text" or clickable links made of keywords. Don't leave links that just have your URL or "click here." Use a strong call to action and reward your reader with additional quality info and they will give you something in return.

For more great tips and strategies - Click Here and sign up for our FREE Newsletter.

Until next time be well.

Jim Gage

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Internet Marketing: Tip of the Month - Twitter

Hello All:

Here is a great tip on the many uses of Twitter, and how you can increase your bottom line with just a few strokes of your computer keyboard.

Retweet buttons is a great way to encourage customers, visitors, and prospects to easily tell others who would be interested in your PDF reports, e-books, checklists, and other PDF downloads. And because all they have to do is click a few buttons, all the work of tweeting about your content is already done for them... which make promoting your PDF a snap! You can use this technique to:

* Build your mailing list
* Increase up your Twitter following
* Encourage more affiliate sales
* Get more traffic to your website

For more great tips and strategies, please visit my website and sign up for a Free Newsletter - Click Here

Until next time - be well.

Jim Gage

Monday, August 30, 2010

SEO Myth: You Can't Use Flash on Your Website.

You Can't Use Flash on Your Website - right ? Wrong !

Yes, you can! While I don't recommend that you create your entire website in Flash, using bits of Flash here and there for some cool effects will not bother or choke the search engines in the least. They don't punish, penalize or otherwise nuke into oblivion sites that have Flash on them. You should of course avoid putting important content into your Flash elements, and also remember that some mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad don't support Flash. But if you add alternative text for non-Flash-enabled browsers, all should be well.

If you find these tips helpful, why not sign up for our Free Newsletter Click Here

Until next time - be well.

Jim Gage

Friday, July 9, 2010

Internet Marketing: Google Changes

Hello Everyone:

Google has just made public another change in how they view and rank websites within their search engine! Google is now very interested in the speed in which your website loads when someone clicks on your site! So for all the SEO and Web Masters who for years have tried to convince people that their web sites should be busy and have all the bells, whistles and flash - guess what? They have done you a great disservice and have actually hurt you and your business. That's why I have never been an advocate of these methods; my method is keep it simple and easy to navigate.

Hope this tip has been useful.

Jim Gage

PS: For more great tips like this, why not sign up for our Free Newsletter - Click Here

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Internet Marketing: Happy 4th of July

As we spend this 4th of July weekend with family and friends, let’s pause for a moment and think about what this Independence Day really means. As our country goes through hard times, let us remember that the sacrifices of those that have gone before us paid so we may enjoy the opportunities and freedoms which make this the best country in the world.

Happy 4th of July to you and yours, and don’t eat too much BBQ.

Jim Gage

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Internet Marketing: How to Keep Control of Your Online Presence

by Jim Gage

Just like there are a lot of things that you must keep control of in the offline part of your Internet business…there are a number of things that you need to be in control of if you have an online presence or if you’re selling your products and services online. Unfortunately, a lot of business owners give up a lot of control over their online presence simply because they don’t know how certain parts of the Internet functions or because they don’t want to get into the technical parts of running a presence online. This usually ends up in disaster for the business owner who caught unaware. In this article I’ll talk about how to keep control of your online presence and how to avoid some of the pitfalls that can take how you present yourself online out of your hands.

1. Register your own domain name…and always register it yourself- Domain names are like digital real estate. If you wait until you’re ready to build a website before you register your domain name, you might miss out permanently. You don’t have to have a website in order to use a domain name, you can send email under your own domain name or forward it to your third part store or blog. You can get your own domain name for as little as $8 per year…so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have your own domain name even if you’re not ready to build a website yet.

2. Have more than one place online where people can contact you- Preferably a channel that you have control over, whether it’s a blog, social networking site, or your own website. Websites and social networking services aren’t forever. If you have multiple places where people can contact you, you increase the chance that people can find you and you have a back up if one channel disappears or goes down...

to read the rest of the article Click Here

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Breaking Internet Marketing News

Hello All:

The Labor Department reported Thursday that first-time requests for jobless benefits rose by 24,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the highest level since late February. Economists were predicting claims would fall.

Now if this isn't a reason for you to get started with your own Internet Home based business I don't know what is. People, including myself are making a six figure income on the Internet, even in a down economy! Ask yourself, what is holding you back? Fear,lack of knowledge or just uncertainty on who to listen to. Here is my counsel to you; go by my website and view the articles and pages of information contained there, and sign up for my Free Newsletter. Take your time, absorb the information, e-mail or call me with your questions and make an informed decision on your future - always have a plan B.

Until next time.

Jim Gage

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Internet Marketing : Membership Sites

Hello Everyone:

I was asked today if membership sites were still a viable marketing strategy for consistent cash flow? Well, that surely is a loaded question, but the simple answer is Yes ! As long as your site is something that people need and need on a regular basis. There is no use having someone join your site for 1 month and then cancel; that is not a recipe for ongoing cash flow.

So that being said, what site do best in an economy where people are pinching pennies? Any sites that people gain valuable or enjoyable information will do very well in this economy such as:

--> Improve your golf game

--> Dog Training

--> Stock Market Investing Training

--> Real Estate Investing Training

--> Public Speaking

--> Exercise Related Subjects


These are just a few ideas for you to consider and start to develop. Remember, you can charge anywhere from $17.00 to hundreds of dollars per month based on your subject matter.
Now the million dollar question, how much will it cost you? You can get a membership site up and running for about $150.00 when you use a blogging platform.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at

Jim Gage

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Internet Marketing : Things Every Successful Website Need Part 3

Hello Everyone:

Here is my last installment on what you should have as key elements on your web page. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 508-595-9567.

7. Search Engine Optimized Copy:

At first glance you might not think this is so important, but trust me it is. You want your pages to rank well with the search engines and there are a few steps you can take to ensure this happens.
Each page of your website should be optimized for 2, or at the most 3 keywords/phrases. Weave the keywords into your titles and into the body of each page. You can also include them in your image titles, alt tags; even in the names you give your pages. Look at each page individually and decide what it’s about, then optimize accordingly.

8. Social Media Share Button:

With the popularity of social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, you’d be foolish not to include an easy way for your content to be shared with others.
You’ll find many free services that will give you the code you need to instantly add a “share button” to your web pages so that visitors can instantly share them with their friends.
To generate your own buttons see:
• AddThis:
• TwitThis:

9. Meta Tags:

Some may tell you that meta tags are dead. Don’t listen. Meta tags should be included in your HTML code at the top of every page. Many search engines will read them to pull a description to include in their search results.
Again, each page should be optimized separately and have a unique title, keywords, and description tags.

10. Copyright Notice:

• Sounds simple but forgotten by many. All pages should include a copyright notice. If you don’t want to have to update it manually every year, find a simple JavaScript that will automatically do it for you.

11. Trust Seals/Testimonials:

I grouped these two items together as they both instill trust and confidence in your visitors. Remember, when someone comes to your website, they don’t know who you are and if you’re selling something, they may not feel comfortable giving out their credit card information. To help them feel more “warm and fuzzy”; include trust seals for any organizations you belong to:

Also, if you have testimonials from happy customers, or ezine subscribers, weave them into your site copy. People always love to hear that others have had a happy experience with your products/services. Make sure you get permission first from the testimonial writers before placing them on your website.
So there you have it -my short list of what every site needs to succeed online. Now that you’re armed with this information, get out the magnifying glasses and take a close look at your own website to see what may be missing.

For more great tips and strategies Click Here to sign up for our FREE Newsletter.

Until next time, be well.

Jim Gage

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Internet Marketing : Things Every Successful Website Need Part 2

Hello All:

We will now continue with our tips for a successful website as mentioned in our last post.

3. Site Map:
If your site is rather large, you’ll also want to include a way to search, or have what is called a “site map”. There are many ways to add a search function to your site, the easiest being to use Google’s free service at-
A site map sounds technical, but it’s just one web page that contains links to every page of your site, usually broken down by category.

4. Google Analytics/Tracking System:
Once your site is up and running you’ll want to keep your eye on traffic. Who’s visiting your website, what pages are the most popular, where is the traffic coming from. All of these questions and more can be answered by using a good analytics program.
There are several ways to add a thorough tracking system to your site, but the easiest and one that won’t cost you a dime is Google Analytics Once registered, you can add as many sites as you like all under one user ID and password. You’ll be given some code to copy and paste on your pages. Simple, easy, and you’re done.

5. Newsletter Sign Up/RSS Feed:
There’s an old saying that people won’t buy from you the very first time they come to your website, so you need a way to stay in touch with them to bring them back again and again. By offering a newsletter, also known as an ezine, you’ll be building a list of possible prospects which is invaluable to any site owner.
You’ll find a multitude of free and low cost newsletter services online. It’s up to you, depending on your needs and what you can afford. If you don’t want to pay anything, my favorite free services are:
FreeAutoBot: Yahoo Groups:
You can also offer an RSS feed for your newsletter, or updates to your blog or site. This makes it easy for others to keep up with your most recent posts. The best service for this is… FeedBurner:

6. Consistent Navigation:
This might sound like a no brainer, but many folks get it wrong. No matter what type of menu system you decide upon, make sure it stays the same across the board on all pages of your site.
Your job is to guide your visitors through your website, making sure they always know where they are and how to get to where they need to go.
For more see:
• Eye on Web:
• Web Page Mistakes:

More tips to follow on upcoming posts - stay tuned...

Jim Gage

Don't forget to sign up for our Free Newsletter Click Here

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Internet Marketing : Things Every Successful Website Need Part 1

So you’ve put together a spectacular website, and you’re ready to go live on the Internet for the whole world to see. Not so fast! In case you didn’t know, there are a few essential requirements that every site needs to include in order to be successful.

That being said, in the next several posts I will go over what I believe are the building blocks of a successful website.

1. Privacy Policy/Disclaimer:

Now, I’m not a Lawyer and don’t claim to be one, but these two documents should be standard issue for every site you have. People want to know how you’re going to use their personal information, and a “privacy policy” does just that.
In today’s litigious society you’ll also need to include a disclaimer/terms of use page. This protects you and spells out to your visitors what they’re agreeing to by using your website. If you don’t know where to start in generating these documents, you’ll find plenty of help online.

--> Google Adsense & other Ad Networks
--> Privacy Policy
--> Free Site Disclaimer

This is not legal advice, and if you need help in this department, consult with a local attorney.

2. Contact Us Information:

I can’t tell you how many sites I’ve been to that fail to include a way to contact the owner. If you can’t include a phone number, at the very least have an email address or a “contact us” form. By providing this information, you’ll make your visitors feel more comfortable knowing there’s a way to reach you should the need arise.

On my next post I will continue my tips on what every website should have.

If you find these posts helpful, why not sign up for our Free Newsletter by Clicking Here , you will be glad you did.

Until next time be well.

Jim Gage

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Internet Marketing : What is Dynamic HTML?

Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is an umbrella term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites[1] by using a combination of a static markup language (such as HTML), a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), a presentation definition language (such as CSS), and the Document Object Model.

Now in English. Plainly, it is technology that allows you to get past pop up blockers! When would you use such techniques? When you desire to have a opt in page with a hovering box - that's dynamic html at work!

Until next tine be well.

Jim Gage

Monday, February 8, 2010

Internet Marketing : Using Video

Hello and Good Day:

In this post I would like to explain why you need to use video, when possible, on your website. You see when you use video you accomplish the following things:

--> Better search engine placement

--> Better Google & Yahoo organic search positioning

--> People like to watch video over reading text - can you say YouTube

--> Gives your website a more professional feel

--> Able to convey that in person, personal feel to potential client's.

these are just a few of the advantages of using video on your website. For more great tips and strategies, please visit my website: Consider Internet Marketing
and sign up for our Free Internet Marketing Newsletter.

Until next time - be well.

JIm Gage

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Internet Marketing : Domain Names

Hello Everyone:

Today's subject is domain names; or more exactly how to choose one.

Below is the most important points to remember when choosing a domain name...

--> Domain should include keywords

--> Never use your name

--> If you can't get a domain with your keyword, try adding a word 6 letters or less in the front or back of your keyword.

--> Always try to get .com , especially if you are an e-commerce site.

Theses are just a few of the great tips you will receive from our Free Internet Marketing Newsletter Click Here to start receiving your free tips.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internet Marketing : CD Reproductions

Hello All:

Here is a great resource to get your CDs reproduced including jewel cases with inserts for 1 dollar! There are no mins or set up fees - just a straight price of 1 dollar - go to for more information.

Jim Gage

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internet Marketing: More Reasons Most Internet Businesses Fail - Conclusion

Hello All:

Today we will finish up on our topic of 'Why Internet Businesses Fail", specifically reasons 4 & 5.

4. Being a Shopaholic

This goes along with #3 above. Stop paying for every new scheme that comes along because they're promising you instant riches. All that's going to do is drain you of your money.

And then, if you're like so many others, there's a good chance you'll get frustrated and give up on the whole thing, because you don't know who you can trust anymore, and you don't want to take a chance, so your dream of workíng from home is over before it began.

Or, maybe they're not selling you a scam, but in fact have valid programs that many people use successfully in their businesses. That's great, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's right for you right now. It might be something that will be a good investment for your business later on, but you should really concentrate on getting your website up and running first. Otherwise you end up with information overload as described in #1 above.

5. Fear of Technology

Just because you haven't tried something before doesn't mean that you can't learn to do it. Think about pretty much everything you've ever done, especially the things you're good at. Did you always know how to do that, or did you learn it over time?

I'm guessing that you learned it, and you can learn to do a lot of the work on your website, too. I constantly have to tell the people I meet that it's in their best interest to learn at least a little bit of the technical stuff that comes with having a website.

I'm not saying you have to be a programming expert. In fact, if you need heavy duty programming done, then you should definitely get someone to do it for you. It'll save you a lot of time, for one. But there's no reason why you can't learn some of the basics of HTML so that whenever you need to make a small change to your website (such as the testing we talked about earlier) you won't have to pay someone to do it for you. And you won't have to wait for them to have the time.

It's not as hard as you think. It just takes a little time to learn it.


The most important point I'm trying to convey is that, in order to be successful online, you need to remain focused on one task at a time. Finish that task and move onto the next one. Finish that task and move on. And keep going until you're done.

Stop investing in every fancy new program that comes along. There are no "magic bullets" anyway. Stick to the plan from the beginning, and see it through to the end.

Starting a new website does require a bit of work at the beginning. There's no way around that if you want to succeed. But the great thing about working online is that once you have everything set up, you can put almost all of it on autopilot and bring in money 24 hours a day with a minimum of work.

So get started now, don't be afraid that you can't do it, don't get frustrated, and don't let anything distract you. You could be making very good money in very little time if you do it right.

For more great tips click here .

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internet Marketing: More Reasons Most Internet Businesses Fail

Hello All;

We continue on our theme of why Internet businesses fail; we will address number 3 of the 5 main reasons on this post.

3. Waiting for the "Magic Bullet"

Let me just start by saying that there is no magic bullet when it comes to running your business, or doing any kind of work online.

I know that a lot of salesmen make it sound that way when you're reading their sales letters, but it simply isn't true. They're lying to you. And even if they're not lying to you, and let's say their system does work, it's only going to work for a short period of time, and it's only going to make you a little bit of money. Not the millions they're promising.

That's why I constantly warn people away from the "business-in-a-box or so-called cookie cutter formula" opportunities. The result isn't ever very good. Maybe you'll make a small bit of side money, if you're lucky. Besides, why would you want to sell the same thing everyone else is selling anyway?

The only way to have lasting success online is to have a website that is unlike anyone else's, that you've built up into a success, with a loyal customer base, one step at a time.

For more great tips, strategies and articles on Internet Marketing, why not sign up for my FREE Newsletter by clicking here ?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Internet Marketing: Reasons Most Internet Businesses Fail

Hello All:

The next few posts I would like to go over, what I believe causes most Internet businesses to fail - enjoy.

Here are the most common reasons that most internet businesses fail that I've seen, in no particular order:

1. Information Overload

You've probably already been inundated with emails explaining how some new money making scheme is the hottest thing on the planet and you need to get in now so that you're on the cutting edge of internet marketing.

The problem is that you haven't finished working on the previous hot new thing yet, and as soon as you start this one, yet another hot idea will hit, and so on, and so on.

In every valid email you get, there should be an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom. Start clicking on it and just stick with a few of the people who you know are giving you good information about building your business from start to finish in the right order without any distractions.

And make sure that you see every task through to completion before moving onto the next one. It's the only real way to get anything done.

2. The Curse of Perfection

Speaking of seeing tasks through to completion, also consider that not everything on your website and in your sales process has to be absolutely perfect before you can unleash it on the public.

So many home business owners who are just starting out have a habit of obsessing over every little detail forever before they'll allow themselves to launch their site.

Stop it. It doesn't have to be perfect. That doesn't mean that you don't need to make sure your website is working properly first. It means that you can work on adjusting small details, such as the color scheme, the sales copy, the images, later on. In fact, if you're planning to do any proper testing (and you should be), then you should be constantly working on those items anyway.

So get your website out there, get some traffic, make sure the big things are working right, and then worry about adjusting the small details.

More to come in future posts - don't forget to bookmark my blog.

For more great tips, strategies and articles on Internet Marketing, why not sign up for my FREE Newsletter by clicking here ?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Internet Marketing : Squidoo and You

Today we will stay on the theme of FREE ! In my last post I provided a totally free way for you to list things you want to sell for free. Now, what if I could show you another medium to do the exact thing but with much more traffic and unlimited pages you can create - would you be interested? I thought you would be. It's known as, and it's something I have been using for a number of years to create another avenue of sales for my products and services. Check it out you won't be disappointed.

If you would like help with Squidoo check out our latest training by clicking here

Be well.

Jim Gage

Friday, January 8, 2010

Internet Marketing : Question of the Month

Hello Everyone:

I would like to share with you a question that was submitted to me today, I think everyone can benefit from my answer...

Q: I would love to have a website to sell products from, but I don't have the money to have one created! What can I do besides giving up on my dream?

Bill H., Homestead, Florida

A: Hi Bill,

Don't give up, many people are in your same situation! I suggest that you start a blog and start selling products from there. There are 2 sites are would recommend which will allow you to start a blog for FREE! Yes, I said FREE - they are blogger which I use and Word Press. If you would like some direction on how to configure your blog with all the bells and whistles I have on mine, click here and send me an e-mail.

To your success,

Jim Gage

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internet Marketing: Sell Your Products For FREE !

Hello All:

I hope you had a great New Years with your family and friends. I just wanted to let you know about something I just found out about - and it won't cost you a dime!
If you have read any off my posts you know I love using Ebay as an avenue of additional income and lead generator for my numerous website business. But did you know that there is a website that allows you to sell your products and services in a Ebay type format for FREE? Yep, that's right for FREE! The name of this exciting website is UPillar and I am about to try it.
From what I can conclude at this time is that it is starting to gain a large following in part due to the endorsement of Glenn Beck. Granted, they do not, or at least at the time of this post, they do not have the traffic of Ebay, but that might change in the near future.

I will let you know my experiences with the site in future posts...

Jim Gage

For other great tips and strategies, don't forget to sign up for our Free Internet Marketing Newsletter by clicking here

Friday, January 1, 2010

Internet Marketing 2010

Hello All:

Well, here we are 2010! The past year was a great and profitable year for those of us who have taken our internet marketing skills to the next level. In the coming year I will share with you, my faithful subscribers, some new strategies and tactics I'm currently using to bring in consistent cash flow in a down economy.

That being said, on behalf of myself and everyone here at Consider Internet Marketing may the New Year bring you and yours many blessings and success in all your endeavors.

Happy New Year.

James A. Gage

Consider Internet Marketing